
Yu Wang is a final-year Ph.D. candidate in Computer Science at Vanderbilt University advised by Dr. Tyler Derr. Before that, he completed his B.E. degree at Harbin Institute of Technology in 2019. He has received numerous honors and awards including the sole recipient of Vanderbilt’s Graduate Leadership Anchor Award for Research in 2023, the 2023-2024 Recipient of the Vanderbilt Outstanding Doctoral Student Award, the Best Paper Award in 2020 Smokey Mountain Data Challenge Competition by ORNL, first-author of Vanderbilt’s C.F.Chen Best Paper Award in 2022, and first-author of the Best Paper Award at GLFrontiers Workshop at Neurips’23!, along with two of his works being selected among the top-10 Most Influential CIKM’22 and WWW’23 Papers by Paper Digest. He actively contributed to top conferences/journals in the field of data mining and machine learning, both in terms of publishing such as ICLR, AAAI, KDD, WWW, CIKM, WSDM, TKDD and serving as an PC member/reviewer such as KDD, ICML, AAAI, WWW, WSDM, CIKM, TKDD, and TNNLS. He has contributed to the organization of workshops in WSDM’22/24 and the tutorial in SDM’24.

🦆🦆🦆 I will join the Department of Computer Science at the University of Oregon as a tenure-track Assistant Professor!

📢📢📢 Recruiting Ph.D. students and interns! I am actively seeking highly motivated students for Ph.D. or Research intern positions. Please feel free to drop me an email with your CV, transcripts, and brief descriptions about why you want to work with me if you are interested!

See this for the comprehensive information in English

See this for the comprehensive information in Chinese

Research Interests:

  • Graph and Geometric Machine Learning and Deep Learning
  • Data-centric AI and Graph Data-quality Issues: Topology/Imbalance/Limited/Bias/Noisy Data Issues
  • Trustworthy AI: Bias/Fairness/Hallucination/Robustness
  • AI for Social Good: Science/Infrastructure/Information Retrieval/Cybersecurity

Email: yu.wang.1 At vanderbilt.edu. Find me on Github, Twitter, Linkedin, and Google Scholar



  • [07] Our paper 📚 Topo-RAG has been accepted at CIKM'24, see you in Boise!
  • [07] Our tutorial 📚 Data-quality-aware Graph Machine Learning has been accepted at CIKM'24, see you in Boise!
  • [06] Our paper Large Graph Generative Model with Text2Graph Demo are online now. Feel free to play with it!
  • [06] Serve as PC member at AAAI 2025 and WSDM 2025!
  • [05] Serve as reviewer at NeurIPS 2024 Research/Dataset Benchmark Track and AAAI ICWSM 2024!
  • [05] New preprint Augmenting Textual Generation via Topology Aware Retrieval is available online!
  • [05] My collaborated paper with The Home Depot Knowledge Graph for Session Recommendation has been selected as the Spotlight Presentation at Industrial Track!
  • [05] Invited to give a keynote talk at the Workshop of Large Language Models for Graph Learning at WWW'24!
  • [04] Our survey Recommendation diversity/fairness has been accepted at TIST!
  • [04] Slides of our SDM'24 Tutorial on Data Quality-Aware Graph Machine Learning is available!
  • [04] Honored to receive the Best Doctoral Forum Poster Runner-ups at SDM'24!
  • [04] Invited to give a keynote talk at the workshop of Data Science for Smart Manufacturing and Healthcare at SDM'24
  • [03] Our paper on KG for Session Recommendation has been selected as the Oral Presentation at WWW'24 Industrial Track!
  • [02] Thrilled to receive 2023-2024 Vanderbilt Outstanding Doctoral Student Award!
  • [02] Invited to give talks at the University of Oregon, Memphis and Arizona!
  • [02] Invited to serve as PC member at KDD'24 and ECMLPKDD'24!
  • [02] Our survey paper on Fairness-aware GNN has been accepted at TKDD'24, thanks to all collaborators!
  • [02] 🛒🛒🛒 Our paper on Knowledge Graph for Session Recommendation has been accepted at WWW'24 Industrial Track, thanks to all collaborators and gift funding from The Home Depot!
  • [01] 👫👫👫 Our paper on multi-embeddings for a fair recommendation has been accepted at WWW'24, congratulations to Yuying, and also thanks to all collaborators and support from Visa Research!
  • [01] 🍻🍻🍻 My first author paper on Topological Perspective for GNNs' Link Prediction has been accepted at ICLR'24, thanks to all collaborators and support from Snap!
  • [01] Invited to give a virtual talk on Topology-aware Retrieval Augmented Generation (Topo-RAG) in LoG Meetup at the University of Notre Dame!


  • [12] 🎉🎉🎉Honored to receive the Best Paper Award for our paper 📰 Knowledge Graph Prompting for LLMs at GLFrontiers Workshop in Neurips'23, thanks all collaborators from Adobe!
  • [12] Two papers 📰 Knowledge Graph Prompting for LLMs and 👫 Fair Dating Recommendation have been accepted at AAAI'24!
  • [12] Glad that I have successfully passed my qualification exam 📈!
  • [11] Our tutorial 📚 Data-quality-aware Graph Machine Learning has been accepted at SDM'24 Tutorial, see you in Houston!
  • [10] Our paper KG-based Prompting for LLMs has been accepted at Neurips'GLFrontiers workshop Oral presentation 📣, see you in New Orleans!
  • [09] Preprint survey on Fairness in GNNs is available now!
  • [09] Preprint paper on KG-based Prompting for LLMs is available now!
  • [09] Invited to serve as PC for SDM24!
  • [08] Invited to serve as the reviewer for LOG24!
  • [08] Invited to serve as PC for WSDM24 and AAAI24!
  • [07] Preprint survey Recommendation diversity/fairness is available now!
  • [07] Preprint survey Privacy in GNNs is available now!
  • [05] Thrilled to receive 2023 Graduate Leadership Anchor Awards Research Branch!
  • [04] AI for Science preprint Expert Knowledge for Drug Discovery is available online!
  • [03] Invited to serve as a reviewer for JOCO/TKDE/TNNLS!
  • [02] Invited to serve as a subreviewer for ICWSM’23!
  • [02] Invited to serve as a PC member for MLoG@WSDM’23!
  • [01] Thrilled to receive the American Bureau of Shipping Scholarship Award. Thank you, Tyler and our CS Department, for the nomination!
  • [01] Collaboration-aware GNNs is accepted at WWW’23!
  • [01] Invited to serve as PC member for both Research and Applied Track of KDD’23!
  • [01] Invited to serve as the Reviewer for DAMI!


Before 🐮-2021